Saturday, September 8, 2007

Online Photo Printing & Sharing Service in india

hi friends,

i was looking for a online photo printing service in india & i found lots of options, but the site i like the most is there are lots of features in this site other than digital photo printing like photo sharing with your relatives & friends, option to make your photos public or private, create your customize photo gifts & all these services are FREE, not only this you will get your first 10 photo prints are free & unlimited photo storage with no expiry.

the feature i like the most on photobaaz is to be a web celebrity. your photo will be put on the home page of photobaaz. i dont know the criteria how they chooce or select this photo but the idea & feature is very good. you can also explore the photos already shared on photobaaz.

if you are not able to upload your photos in your accont or you dont have a computer, photobaaz is providing a DoorStep service also at cost of Rs. 150, but this service is in delhi only.

these days online services in india are growing very fast & you have many options for evrything. this is my choice & sharing my experience with you, if you know any other better service or site for online printing & sending photos in india pleaze let me know, till thn i ll stick on photobaaz :-)

have a nice day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.